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PE Funding

Sports Funding


Our aim is to use the school funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sports provision.


We are undertaking a comprehensive audit of our current practice within PE and school sports provision.

This has included:

  • Assessing staff confidence and competence in teaching PE, through use of a questionnaire and discussion between SLT and PE coordinator.
  • Looking at current achievement in athletics, dance, games, gymnastics and swimming, including the percentage of children on track or above national expectations.
  • Reviewing progress in athletics, dance, games, gymnastics and swimming.
  • Identifying current participation rates in extra-curricular clubs.
  • Identifying current participation rates in intra-school competition.
  • Identifying current participation rates in inter-school competition.
  • Identifying participation rates in higher level competition in all areas of PE and school sport.
  • Researching current links to local sporting organisations and clubs.
  • Looking at how we currently promote sport and celebrate our sporting achievements – through our website, newsletters, noticeboards and services.
  • Undertaking pupil conferencing to establish our pupils’ thoughts about PE and sports provision in the school.
  • Looking at scheme of work overviews for each class, to ensure balance and breadth across PE.
  • Undertaking a review of playground activities and provision of equipment.


In addition to our audit we have considered what “best practice” in Primary PE and sports provision involves, in order to ensure that we are striving to match or better the current best practice and that we get maximum impact from our sports funding.

We have considered information from:  

  • Primary School PE and Sport Funding – DfE website
  • Analysing ‘best practice’ case studies on the DfE website
  • Inspecting Primary School PE and School Sport: New Funding (Briefing for Section 5 Inspection)- Ofsted
  • Evidence on Physical Education and Sport in Schools: Key findings (June 2013) – DfE.
  • Ofsted Subsidiary Guidance (September 2013).
  • Ofsted Summary August 2013: What Works Well in PE and Sports in School?
  • Youth Sport Trust – Primary PE and Sport Funding – accountability measures.
  • County Sports Partnership Network
  • Sainsbury’s School Games
  • Change 4 Life


Information from all of the above has led to the formation of an action plan, which has been produced by Mr Roche and Mr Beale with the help of an external advisor.  This action plan addresses our key priorities in order to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sports provision at The British School.


How have we spent our money so far?

  • Paying for an external advisor to work alongside Mrs Clarkson and Mrs Amigoni, to help identify our needs as a school and formulate an action plan for spending the PE funding.
  • Atlas Sports coaching the children to help upskill children and teachers.
  • Purchasing PE Pal which helps teacher’s to assess in the moment and give them ideas of how to plan and deliver lessons with a current scheme of work to aid them.
  • Coaching for pupils identified as gifted and talented.
  • Training ‘Sports Leaders’ to lead playground games and activities. This will improve the quality and diversity of activities undertaken at playtimes and encourage more pupils to become active. It will also give older pupils valuable leadership experience and a sense of responsibility.
  • Purchasing new equipment and playground markings to support the provision of high quality playground games and activities.
  • Converting the playground into an Astro turf, to ensure more sports can take place on a better and safer surface.
  • Paying for supply cover to enable teachers to accompany pupils to matches and tournaments.
  • Paying for children to attend an archery competition at KLB school.
  • Paying for Atlas School Games Active Network to host inter and intra school activities to get a wide variety of children involved in different sports, such as Cross-Country and football.