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PE and Sport at The British School



The profile of PE at The British School is very high.  It occupies a prominent place within our curriculum and a great deal of importance is placed upon the subject.  All our teachers are enthusiastic about the delivery of PE and are keen to foster interest and enthusiasm for the subject.  Levels of attainment and progress are high across all key stages.


PE at our school is also fully inclusive, with all children, irrespective of age, ability or Special Educational Needs encouraged and supported.  Subsequently, all children at our school, even those who find it challenging, have a positive attitude towards PE.


We have Atlas Sports teach PE once a week at school alongside our teachers. This helps teachers feel more comfortable and secure when teaching PE. This also ensures children can be split into smaller groups with more adults supporting them.  In addition to this, teachers receive regular training in staff meetings and Insets.

The teachers at our school incorporate a wide variety of sports and activities into PE lessons, including football, netball, hockey, tag rugby, gymnastics, dance, tennis, cricket, rounders, athletics, circuit training and orienteering.  In addition to this all children in Key Stage 2 receive swimming lessons each year. Many children successfully meet the end of Key Stage 2 target of being able to swim 25 metres with a recognisable stroke.

To support the delivery of high quality PE, we have superb facilities, including a large school field, two playgrounds with one which has been converted to an Astro Turf to allow high quality and safe PE to happen and an ample school hall, as well as plenty of resources and equipment which are regularly checked and supplemented. 


Our school also offers excellent provision of extra-curricular sporting opportunities.  The individual skills and strengths of our staff, along with their willingness to help develop school sport, allows us to offer an extensive variety of clubs and activities, including football, tag rugby, netball, cricket, rounders, tennis, hockey, physical play, gymnastics, cross country and athletics.  We actively encourage all children to take part in as many of these activities as possible.

Our school also participates in the Daily Mile scheme and take part in for ‘Fit for 15’ everyday where children will run around the field or playground for 15 minutes, aiming to run a mile. This helps children to stay healthy, but also gives them valuable brain breaks during the school day to help them stay refreshed and eager to learn.


At The British School we endeavour to make provision for those children considered to be ‘Gifted and Talented’ at PE.  Teachers use PE lessons to identify children who are Gifted and Talented and provision is then made for them in lessons.  For the past few years Key Stage 2 children have been selected to attend a Gifted and Talented club held at KLB School.  We also provide opportunities for Gifted and Talented children to play competitive sport at district and county level and beyond.


At The British School we are very keen to promote a healthy interest in competition, as well as the development of good sportsmanship.  Children at our school enjoy participating in a wide range of intra and inter-school competition, tournaments and festivals.  Every child in the school takes part in intra-school cross country three times per year.  Pupils in Key Stage 2 take part in an inter-house rounders tournament and our annual Sports Day gives children the opportunity to try a wide range of activities, alongside the more traditional races and relays.  


In addition to this, our sports teams have seen a great deal of success over the past few years, winning competitions at local, county and national level.  These successes are celebrated in assemblies, on our sports noticeboard, in our school newsletters and often the local newspaper. We understand that competitive sport is not for everyone, and pupils are also given the opportunity to attend sporting festivals, where participation and good sportsmanship are celebrated more highly than winning.


In conclusion, PE occupies a prominent place in our curriculum and standards are very high.  We have many talented pupils at our school and aim to maximise their opportunities for success, whilst nurturing all pupils’ enjoyment of sport.  We aim to encourage and support all children, in order for them to reach their full potential.
