The British School
Promoting British values
The DfE have reinforced the need to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”
At The British School we teach and reinforce these values in the following ways:
We provide opportunities for children to debate and discuss a variety of issues
We encourage children to vote for things that they want to happen
Children help make the rules
We ensure there are opportunities to become leaders and take on additional responsibility
We encourage children to express their views in pupil conferences, online pupil surveys and through the school council
The Rule of Law:
Children are taught the difference between right and wrong and are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and make the right choices
They are taught that the law is there to protect them and that breaking the law involves consequences
Children are expected to follow the school rules that aim to keep children safe and promote a positive atmosphere for teaching and learning
Children are encouraged to reflect on their actions and make things right
We arrange cycling proficiency for the children in order for them to stay safe and understand the rules of the road
We arrange for the children to take part in the “Mock Trial”
The police are invited to school to help children understand the importance of living within the law
Individual Liberty:
Children are encouraged to put forward ideas for school improvement and what they would like to learn about in the classroom
Children are elected to the School Council to represent their peers and make things happen
Children are given the opportunity to express opinions and state preferences
We learn about War, the British Empire and the Commonwealth
Through clubs and residential trips children are encouraged to try new things and take risks
Children are encouraged to take on new challenges and aspire to be the best they can
Mutual Respect and Tolerance:
We encourage children to be polite and helpful to others and lead by example
We learn to respect other people and recognise thatpeople may be different from us
We promote equality and fairness
In lessons we actively promote everyone’s right to learn and create a learning environment which is conducive to this
We ensure that everyone is made aware that bullying of any kind will not be tolerated
We teach positive values by which to live and celebrate them in assemblies
We teach children that we are all different, special and have a range of skills to offer
We teach children about a variety of faiths and cultures which is underpinned by respect and tolerance regardless of our own beliefs
Children visit places of worship
Promotion of Britishness:
We commemorate key historical dates such as Armistice and Guy Fawkes
We celebrate British festivals and special days such as St Georges day, Harvest festival, Shrove Tuesday, Easter and Christmas
We show support for our country when key sporting fixtures arise
The British School works hard to ensure its pupils leave prepared to deal with life in modern day Britain.