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Emergency School Closure

Emergency School Closure

In the event of severe weather conditions, the Headteacher will consult with Governor’s local to the school and will decide upon an appropriate course of action. The safety of the children and staff will be taken into consideration and the decision to close the school will be posted as early as possible on the school website and via parent mail. When the school is closed parents and carers can also receive notification via the local radio stations and the emergency school closure web site as well as Gloucestershire’s twitter feed:  Twitter @Glos_schools  Gloucestershire Schools closure site The weather conditions will be reviewed and information on the status of the school will be updated using the Local Authority web site, the school website and Parent Mail. If the school remains open, children and staff should only travel to work if they deem it same to do so.


In the event that a decision must be made to close the school during the working day, staff will make every effort to ensure that information can be obtained via the methods mentioned above. We will supervise children who are late being collected but would appreciate your support in picking children up as soon as possible to allow staff to return home safely too. Please ensure your contact details are always up to date. If the school is closed this is recorded as an authorised absence for children.
