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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The British School PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) is a charity run by volunteering parents and friends of the school.


We are here to raise funds to help and support our children at The British School. Some of the things we raise money for are the school IT tablets, school trips, Christmas parties and contributions towards refurbishing areas that benefit the children.


We do annual events like the June Fling Summer Fete and School discos, but we also do other fund raising projects like 'bags 2 school' and the sponsored bounce.


As the PTA relies on the kindness of people helping, we are always looking for new ideas and volunteers. If you think you can help even for a short while, please do contact us and we can pop you onto our helpers list. Alternatively, if you want to become more involved please let us know!


Thank you




Dates for the Diary

October Halloween Disco - 18th October 2024


Bonfire Night November - 2nd November 2024


Wreath Making night - Late Nov - TBC


Christmas Street Fayre - TBC


Valentines disco - 14th Feb


Murder Mystery - March TBC


Quiz night - 4th April


June Fling 2025 - 14th June


Quiz night - 7th Nov

For 2022/23 we have raised (after costs taken out):

Christmas Cards - £109

Wreath Making - £403

Christmas Street fayre - £249

Both discos - £934

Second hand uniform sales - £300

Fireworks night - £375

Town hall teas - £559 (shared with Oscars and Kindergarten)

Quiz night - £240 (shared with Oscars)

Sponsored bounce - £685

Rags 2 Riches - £90

June Fling - £2,121.84


Thank you to all who volunteered at events and thank you to all who came along and participated.

The PTA 100 Club is a monthly draw open to anyone. 


All members are entered into a draw that will win half of the monthly subscriptions if their “number” is drawn that month. Winners are announced in the schools newsletter each month.


Membership for one number is just £1.00 per month, payable either annually by cash/cheque or monthly by standing order. Participants can increase their odds of winning by subscribing more than once – e.g. double your chances by having 2 numbers for £2 per month. There is no minimum membership period and members will be included in the next draw after their payment has been received.


It is simple to join – just complete the attached form at the top of the page and pop it in the PTA box in reception at school, or email it to


Alternatively, please give it to a member of the PTA in the playground.


Remember, you have to be in it to win it!!


Excess monies go towards funding fun things for our children as always.

Contact Details


Facebook: The British School PTA

Twitter: @BritSchoolpta


Or in person:

Teresa Creese (Chair & 2nd hand uniform contact)

Jess Deacon (Secretary & 100 Club)

Deb Maers (Treasurer)

Lucy Roberts 

Sarah Carter

Sophie Stook

Marie Eldridge

Laura Collins

Tara Griffith

Ming Li Bogue

Karen Thatcher

Kate Cropper 

Zoe Hill
